Friday, September 18, 2009

Finding replications

Festivities bring fun, laughter, joy, amazement,love and meaning to people.
But to me I do not know what it means because it is the time I miss my city the most.

Its been 3 years since I have missed Durga Pujo. I do not know how I lived without it.
I guess sometimes things just erase from your life. I do not know when Pujo just disappeared from mine.

It will never be the same again. That is why life can never be the same when you are living in a transit.
Sometimes you sacrifice. Sometimes you move on.

I hope stagnancy can be inviting some day.
And one day the pious feeling of standing in front of Ma replicates in another land, another place.
These are my prayers... from a far away land, a distant place.

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